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ACO kerb PB

Made entirely from polymer concrete composite, it is water proof and durable to withstand impacts caused by traffic.

The portfolio offers two versions, one for later application of resin floor straight onto the kerb, and one for smooth gelcoat. It can accommodate for even the most complex room design and its lengths can be easily adjusted if needed.

Floor finish or resin gelcoat create uniform surface with the floor for best hygienic conditions in accordance with EHEDG guidelines. ACO kerb PB is ideal solution for new and refurbishment projects with resin floor.

Find out more about ACO kerb PB at:
Online catalogue

Benefits of ACO kerb system

  • Protects walls from impacts caused by machinery or other transport systems
  • Eliminates water ingress into the wall and leakage into other processing areas
  • Curved design prevents accumulation of soils and allows easy cleaning